Confidence for Children

Build Confidence In Any Child
Dear Parent,
If you have ever tried to introduce a new environment and your child won’t let go of your leg, or you have watched your child systematically get pushed to the back of every line in class then this report is for you!
Okay, before you panic, listen closely to what I’m about to tell you. Confidence cannot be taught. Well, hold on now, I know you were hoping it could be. But it can’t be taught. Confidence must be learned.
See, just because you understand what confidence is doesn’t mean you have it. It’s not enough to just learn what it is, you actually have to experience it to become it. So you can’t teach it but you can provide a class experience where the child can experience a feeling of confidence.
You may be wondering: “Does Every Martial Arts Academy Build This Kind Of Confidence Into Their Student Body?”
Not if it’s a pass or fail scenario. And in nine out of ten martial arts schools that’s exactly what they do. Pass or fail…Susan did well, John did badly. Yes, No. Right, Wrong. Left or Right. Up, Down. Pass or Fail.
Life will naturally serve up success/failure lessons to our children, but in a martial arts academy we have to constantly encourage and give our children the ability to deal with these life lessons. Our job is to encourage and never discourage.
Woody Allen said, “98% of success is just showing up.”
A child is not going to show up for the next class if they’re discouraged. Most schools have this pass or fail mentality and discount the children that need help the most. Our academy’s focus is for every child to succeed.
Of course you want your child to succeed, but perhaps you’re worried about risking a lot of money in the process.
I understand this concern and therefore we have created the following offer:
I will provide a FREE consultation for every child. I’ll talk to you and your son/daughter and explain how my programme will be able to help them become a great, well-mannered child, who possesses ‘laser-like focus’ and a level of discipline all Parents would be proud of.
It is then totally up to you if you want to continue with our programme. There is NO pressure. I’m VERY enthusiastic about our programme and I really want your child to join us, but we don’t need to resort to hard selling as our results speak for themselves!
If you like what you hear, I’ll be happy to answer all of your questions and offer you a 30 Day Money back guarantee at one of our schools where if for ANY reason you’re not happy with the results I will personally give you a FULL and complete refund of any tuition you have paid for that period.
P.S Remember you’re under no obligation at all! You get a totally free consultation where I can answer all of your important questions and then… If you do decide to enrol on our programme after your trial then rest assured that you have a ‘Cast Iron’ guarantee from me personally that if my programme doesn’t meet your needs and you haven’t seen a measurable change in your child’s behaviour in the first 30 days then I will give you your money back!